5 Secrets for a Successful Interviewing Podcast

5 Secrets for a Successful Interviewing Podcast

Imagine that you decided to enter the world of podcasting and decided to specialize in interviewing podcasts. It is both exciting and nerve-wracking. You may ask yourself: What if I say something wrong? Am I able to interview any guests? Is it difficult? Will I succeed in the interview?


But before diving into these thoughts that may affect you and make you feel anxious, remember that Podeo, the number one podcast platform in the Arab world, is by your side on your journey step by step.


Therefore, do not hesitate to venture and take on a new experience, because Podeo will help you reach success. Here are 5 secrets for a successful interview:


Be Professional: It is very important that you deal in a professional and decent manner with the guest. For example, contact them inquiring about participating in the podcast within a reasonable time, respect the deadlines, and do the necessary research on the guest before interviewing them.


Talk to the guest before the interview: This step will make the guest feel at ease. Here you can give them an overview of the interview and its important points.


 –Check the recording equipment: Before recording an interview podcast, the creator should check that the recording equipment is working properly. This step aims to avoid any failure in the middle of the interview that may affect the content or force the creator to reschedule.


-Be spontaneous: An interview is a smooth conversation, not an interrogation. So be spontaneous and just let things go without stress.  And always remember that your most important goal is to obtain new information, so start talking from an angle that no one has dealt with before.


Give the guest enough time and space to speak: When you host someone, you should allow them to express themselves and provide their information well. Therefore, do not interrupt the guest too much, and give them enough time to speak.


But of course, if they spoke off-topic, you have to redirect them in a smart and smooth way to the context of the conversation, while making sure to listen to their speech perfectly.

And if you want to know important tips on writing interview questions, click here.


The World of Podcasts with Podeo


Entering the world of podcasting may be a unique challenge for some, and it is a difficult step for others to take

However, entering the world of podcasts through the Podeo platform is a fun and easy journey that you can enjoy in a unique way over the phone. Keep up with the development, use the latest media in the world, and start your own podcast now on Podeo.